Saturday, July 24, 2010

Remodeling Week #8

No more mitten holder at the back door. :(  Who remembers hanging their mittens here? We had to have it down low so Carolyn could reach.
Look at the new back door. Like the big window? Should mom be worried about drive by shootings?
Mom is still trying to claim this spot for her cooktop. Ginger still thinks it's where her dish will go. Hmmm? Who will win?
Our new oven. Like it? It's Sharon's convection oven that she won when she was on The Price is Right. It cooks chicken in 15 minutes. But it took us 30 because we kept blowing fuses.
Do you like our new table and chair set? (two tv trays put together) It's not easy being without a kitchen!
Beginnings of the new deck. While Sharon and mom were eating lunch in the back yard, Ginger fell off the porch and fell under the deck. Good thing we just happened to see her. She could have been under there for a LONG time. Where are her trainers?
The new deck....not white :(  Good thing we got Ginger out from under it!!!
New cedar ceiling on the porch. Old is on the left, new is on the right. Which do you like better?
New walls on the porch. Guess what color they're going to be??? Hmmm? I wonder.


  1. Lots of white. Deck looks nice. There wasn't a full picture of the kitchen. I like to see the changes of the whole thing. Not just the cook tops. I think the trainers when they were home trained ginger to get from new eating area to porch, not from eating area to deck. It is not Carolyn and my fault she got lost. I think it is the responsibility of those eating lunch outside.

  2. I agree with Paul. We trained her, you watched.. you should know the technique. The deck looks nice!
