Monday, July 5, 2010

Remodeling Week #5

Dining El Fresco- and Mom missed it. Dang. Since cooking isn't easy without a kitchen, John offered to bring over his famous family favorites- Ham Balls. Yum. Dad thought it was a real treat compared to eating Chicken Pot Pies on the grill. (Mom will have to have rain check.)
Lots of mudding, taping, sanding, taping, mudding, sanding, mudding, taping, sanding.... get the idea?! What a mess! Fine WHITE dust all over everything!! Yuck. And worse yet- they had to have three fans going to make it dry!
Guess it was worth waiting for. :) Isn't this pretty with the light coming in? Mom likes it! Lots of light! (notice the sky light)
Sharon's new view from her room. A new roof!! Sorry Sharon--No window box :(
Ginger wasn't making any headway going down the new steps so we had to have a new trainer from Wisconsin. She didn't like it. Got kind of grouchy with the new trainer. Growled and hissed.
FINALLY! She did it. Good job Paul. Maybe she just wanted to find her bowl.

1 comment:

  1. Ginger never growled and hissed with me.. She must not like people from Wisconsin.
