Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Remodeling Week #2

The new temporary kitchen. Sorry, Ging, we don't know where your dish is. Sharon, did you pack it? Maybe it's time for Ginger to go on a diet.
How about this place Ging? Perfect place for your dish. No bumping. Nice and open. Lots of air. Maybe???
So they had to redo the 70 year old plumbing- but why did they have to take the bathroom apart?
Mom's bathtub---- I thought we remodeling the kitchen!!!
Mom and Dad's closet-what does that have to do with the kitchen? Duh! the plumbing for the bathtub
Dad's shop couldn't get any worse. Oh yeah? but notice the new waterheater.
Last of the 'homeowner' demolition. (Thanks for helping Sharon.) We pounded all the nails in only to find out we had to pull up the floor. LOTS of nails. Whew.
Mom's pooped- lots of nails and hard on the knees.
 Progress was good until the rains came.

Preparing for rain- dining tarp?-Good thing they got it up, it rained off and on for 4 days.
How do you like this spot Ginger? Careful of the splinters.


  1. Mom looks like she is wearing great shoes for pulling sharp nails. They would really stop a nail. Plus be nice to Ginger.

  2. Good thing I came to train Ginger! You guys are confusing her moving her dish all around!
